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Environmental Goods and Services account

The National Institute of Statistics releases for the first time the estimates of the environmental goods and services sector (EGSS) account, the so-called eco industries.

This new account focuses on the supply of goods and services specifically designed and produced for environmental protection or resource management. Supply is measured in terms of output, value added, exports and full time equivalent units. At present, the account covers only market production, i.e. production sold on the market, while it excludes non market activities and production for own final consumption by enterprises, institutions or households.

As a satellite environmental account, EGSS allows specific in-depth analysis, through consistent and comparable estimates with the main macro-aggregates of national accounts.

In 2017, the value added of the eco industries, at basic prices, was 36 billion euros at current prices (+0.9% over the previous year). The share of eco industries accounted for 2.3% of the total value added of the Italian economy.

In terms of output, environmental goods and services accounted for 2.4% of the economy. In 2017, the value of production exceeded 77 billion (+1.9% over the previous year).

In 2017, 386 thousand full time equivalent units worked in the eco industries sector (+0.5% compared with 2016).

Preliminary estimates showed that more than 65% of the value added generated by eco industries derived from the production of goods and services for resource management (i.e. conceived to preserve, maintain and enhance the stock of natural resources and safeguard those resources against depletion) in 2017.

The complementary share of the total value added (35%) derived from the production of goods and services, whose main purpose was environmental protection (i.e. prevention, reduction and elimination of pollution and of any other degradation of the environment).

For information

Federica Battellini
ph. +39 06 4673.3149