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Trips and holidays in Italy and abroad

In 2018, trips with overnight stays made by residents were 78,940 million (+19.5% compared with 2017).

The average duration of trips slightly dropped to 5.5 nights (5.7 nights for holiday trips and 4.1 for business trips), corresponding to an amount of 432 million nights (+13.5% compared with 2017).

For the third consecutive year, long holidays showed a positive trend (+12.7% in 2018). Both short holidays and business trips increased as well (19.6% and 57.7% respectively).

As far as travel destinations were concerned, domestic destinations hosted 79.3% of trips, whereas outbound trips (20.7%) were mostly directed towards EU destinations (+31.4% compared with 2017).

During summer, 13.1% of long domestic holidays were spent in Puglia and 9.9% in Emilia-Romagna, while Trentino-Alto Adige was the first destination in winter (31.0%), Lombardia during autumn (14.2%) and Toscana during spring (14.1%).

France was the main destination for short holidays (17.6% of outbound short trips), whereas 12.6% of long holidays were spent in Spain, which was the preferred country also for business trips (12.4% of business trips abroad).

Among non-European destinations, Usa was the most visited country for long holidays (2.4%) and for business trips (3.9%).

Infographic on trips and holidays in Italy and abroad in 2018
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