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Non-financial wealth in Italy

Istat presents the values of the main non-financial assets owned by Households, Corporations and General Government in Italy. Data refer to the period 2005-2017, except for dwellings and land under cultivation whose values are shown for 2001-2017. Data on inventories are disseminated for years 2012-2017. The value of the stock of consumer durables is provided as a memorandum item (2001-2017).

In 2017 the total value of non-financial assets in Italy was around 9,505 billion euros. Dwellings represented 60% of the total amount while buildings other than dwellings were 24%; other fixed assets, including intellectual property products, accounted for around 10%; inventories represented 4% and land under cultivation measures around 3% of the total value of non-financial assets.

Households owned more than 92% of the total value of dwellings. In 2017 the value of residential buildings decreased by 0.8%, owing to the downturn of the market prices, but less than in the previous years. Around 55% of non-residential buildings were owned by Non-financial corporations, 30% by Households and 11% by General Government.

Around 76% of the other fixed assets were owned by Non-financial corporations, around 14% by General Government and around 10% by Households. Non-financial corporations had 93% of the total value of inventories.

Land under cultivation was mainly owned by Households (around 90% of the total amount).

The stock of consumer durables owned by Households amounted to 568 billion euros; it increased during the last two years, even if lightly (+0.9% in 2016 and +0.6% in 2017).

For information

Paola Santoro
ph. +39 06.4673.3195