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Labour cost structure

In 2016 the labour cost per employee in enterprises and institutions of the private and public sectors with at least 10 employees amounted to Euro 41,785.

Wages and salaries per employee amounted to Euro 30,237, accounting for 72.4% of the total labour cost. The highest values of wages and salaries were recorded in Mining and Quarrying (euro 53,370) and Financial and insurance activities (euro 52,666). The lowest value was recorded in Accommodation and food service activities (17,806 euro).

Social contributions accounted for 27.3% of the labour cost with statutory contributions at 20.9%, those collectively agreed, contractual and voluntary at 0.4% and provision for the severance payment (Tfr) at 3.6%.

The ratio of vocational training costs over the labour cost was 0.2%.

Wages and salaries per hour worked amounted to Euro 20.19. The difference between enterprises and institutions with over 1,000 employees and those with 10-49 employees was more than 7 euros.

In the North-west and in the Centre hourly wages and salaries were higher than the national average (respectively +4.5% and +2.1%), whereas lower in the North-East, in the South and in the Islands (-3.3%, -6.1% e -2.8% respectively).

The average number of hours worked per employee was 1,498, counting for 84% of the hours paid (1,784). The average number of hours worked for a part time employee was 1,003 (62.5% on average of the number for a full time employee, equal to 1,604).

Excluding the sectors of Public administration and defense; compulsory social security, the hourly labour cost was euro 26.07 in EU25 and 27.99 in the Euro area. Italy’s position was below the Euro area both for the hourly labour cost (euro 27.55) and for the wage and salaries (19.92 euro vs 21.56).

In Italy in the same sectors the incidence of social contributions on the hourly cost of labour (27.7%) was above those of EU25 (21.1%) and the Euro Area (23%).

For information

Marilena A. Ciarallo
Ph. +39 06 4673.2278

Ciro Baldi
Ph. +39 06 4673.2273