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Mining and quarrying extraction activities

This report focuses on the main results of the Istat survey “Anthropic Pressure and Natural Risks. Mining and Quarrying extraction activities”, related to non-energy producing mineral resources extraction (in physical units of weight), by mineral type and by extraction site at regional level (years 2015 and 2016).

The first (2015-2016) and the second wave of the survey (2017-2018) were both a response to a fragmentary supply of statistics on mining and quarrying in Italy and growing information needs at national and international level, to strengthen a knowledge framework on mining and quarrying activities at regional level (National Statistical Program PSN: IST 02559). A major aim of the survey was to produce a set of indicators to measure environmental pressures linked to the presence of mining sites and the exploitation of non-renewable natural resources.

In 2016, in Italy active and non active mining and quarrying extraction sites – with the exception of extractive sites of energy producing mineral resources and of mineral waters – amounted to 5,273 (-6.2% compared with 2015). Mining sites were 136 and quarrying sites were 5,137. Municipalities with at least one extraction site were 2,013 (almost a quarter of Italian municipalities). Active extraction sites –that is authorized or with a license for extraction- amounted to 4,679. Among active extraction sites, 2,295 were into production sites, namely sites from which quantities of mineral resources had actually been extracted in each observed year (68 mining and 2,227 quarrying sites).

Infographic on Mining and quarrying extraction activities. Year 2016
clic the image to download pdf

For more details please refer to the Italian version.

For information
Donatella Vignani
ph. +39 06 4673.4936