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Adult education and training

In 2017, in Italy it was noticeable a positive trend of adults participating in learning activities, compared with 2012. In fact, 38.8% of adults between the ages of 18 and 74 years (+4 percentage points from 2012) participated in lifelong learning (at least one formal or non-formal learning activity).

As regards gender, men participated more than women in adult learning (40.8% and 36.9% respectively).  As regards employed people, entrepreneurs, professionals and managers showed a higher share (68.1%) than blue-collar workers (37.9% for skilled workers and 31.5% for unskilled workers).

The likelihood of participation in education and training was related to the level of educational achievement: people with a tertiary level of education reported the highest participation rate (70.0%), while people with at most primary education level were least likely to participate (5.3%).

Also territorial differences showed to be relevant in terms of participation in formal and non-formal learning activities: the share ranged from 46.2% in the North-east, 43.3% in the North-west, 39.4% in the Centre and 31% in the South and Islands.

Among 18-74-year-old population 5.3% attended formal education courses and 37% (31.4% in 2012) non-formal training courses, which do not allow the acquisition of recognized qualifications.

A “personal interest”  motivated 73.7% of respondents in managing self-learning activities: 56.5% used a personal computer; 42.7% books, magazines, newspapers; 37.5% information from friends, relatives, family, colleagues and 42.4% used the media (television, radio, video).

For information

Liana Verzicco
Ph. +39 06 4673.2220

Barbara Baldazzi
Ph. +39 06 4673. 4518