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Workshop of the Advisory Committee on Statistical Methods

Rome, 19th November 2018
9.00 am-5.30 pm
Istat | Aula Magna
Via Cesare Balbo, 14

By invitation only

On November 19, starting at 9:00 am, the workshop organized by the Advisory Committee for Statistical Methodologies of Istat will be held at the Aula Magna in via Cesare Balbo. The Committee, made up of national and international experts, was established in 2017 with the task of evaluating and providing suggestions to the methodological innovation projects forseen within Istat modernization program, verifying that they have got the necessary features of quality, coherence and alignment with the current state of research at international level.

During the workshop the 13 methodological research projects, developed within the Committee meetings, will be presented. The members of each project will describe the aims pursued, the results obtained to date and the impact on the research activities carried out by the Institute. The themes will be developed through four sessions: big data, estimation and accuracy methods, censuses and registers, quality aspects and a generalized process for economic surveys.
