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Balance sheets of local government

Istat presents the results of financial flow calculations on the final balance sheets of local government (municipalities, provinces and metropolitan cities) for fiscal year 2016.

The provisional estimations presented here are based on information from the data banks of the Ministry of the Interior.

The total revenue assessed by municipal governments during fiscal year 2016 was estimated at 81,325 million euros (Table 1). This general total does not include the revenue of third-party contractors. The total assessed revenue grew up to 75.5 percent current revenues, 10.6 percent capital revenue, 1.1 percent revenue for the decrease of financial assets and the remaining 12.8 percent for revenue derived from the opening of lines of credit and advances from institute treasurer/cashier. With reference to the data for 2015, total collections decreased by 3.4 percent and total assessments by 6.1 percent.

Collection capacity in 2016, as measured by the ratio between items collected in accrual accounts and items assessments, was equal to 73.8 percent.

A total of 8,635 million euros of capital revenues and of 870 million euros of revenue due to the decrease of financial assets were assessed. Collections of capital revenues reached 7,794 million euros and revenue for the decrease of financial assets 620 million euros.

For information
Domenico Passante
Ph. +39 06 4673.6029