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The economic performance of agriculture in Italy

In 2016 the gross value added of the agricultural sector at current prices was 31,6 billion euro, 2.1% of the national value added. Compared to 2015 it  decreased by 5.4% in current prices and by  0.7% in volume.

Including the food industry, the total value added increased by 0.4% at current prices value and 0.1% in volume.

The total labour input units in agricolture increased by 0.9% (+2.3% employees and +0.3% self-employed). Positive results were also recorded for the food industry, where the increase of labour input was +0.5%.

In 2016 the agricultural production of  woody crops registered a sharp decline in volume (-8.1%) driven by the collapse of olive crops (-44.7% in volume). Agricoltural production of all the other components increased.

Agricoltural production decreased in all areas, except in the North, with a 3.4% increase in volume in the North-east and 1.4% in the North-west areas. The most significant decrease
was recorded in the South (-4.6%), in the Islands (-3.2%) and in the Centre (-1.3%).

With more than 30 billion euro in 2016, Italy was the first EU28 country regarding gross value added in agriculture.

Overall, in  EU 28 countries the indicator A of agricultural income decreased in 2016 (-0.4%): in particular a decline was recorded in Denmark (-25.1%), France (-15.7%), Italy (-8.3%), the UK (-4.1%) and Greece (-2.9.%). A growth was recorded in in Romania (+29,1%), Netherlands (+8,0%), Germany (+5,8%) and Spain (+4,4%).

Italy is in the top three European countries for agricultural production. Fruit and vegetables, viticulture and olive crops are the main sectors of Italian agriculture.

For information

Domenico Ciaccia
ph. +39 06 4673.3138