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Annual report 2018 - The state of the nation

Rome, 16 May 2018
11.00 am
Palazzo Montecitorio – Sala della Regina

By invitation only

On Wednesday 16 May, at 11.00 am, Istat President, Giorgio Alleva, will present the ‘Annual Report 2018 – The state of the nation’ in the Sala della Regina in Palazzo Montecitorio.

The Annual Report traditionally develops a documented reflection on the present situation in Italy, offering a picture of recent changes, and identifying prospects and growth potential of the Country.

The twenty-sixth edition develops this analysis through the theme of networks, responding to research questions concerning economic and social networks, in particular business, labor market, kinship and friendship, migration networks and mutual aid in social networks. The breadth of the theme allows for analyses to be enriched with contents, describing the phenomena from a plurality of points of view and through different and complementary modes of interpretation.

The event will be broadcast live on the web TV of the Chamber of Deputies.