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Sales of real estate units and loans

In the second quarter of 2017, seasonally adjusted sales of real estate units for all kinds of use rose by 1.5% compared to the previous quarter (Figure 1 and Figure 2). Homes and appurtenances increased by 1.4%, while properties for business purposes registered a more marked growth (+2.4%) (Figure 4).

Nationwide real estate unit sales agreements totalled 199,941, increasing by 2.7% over the same period of the previous year (Figure 3). 187,839 (93.9%) transfers of properties concerned homes and appurtenances, 10,994 (5.5%) real estate units for business purposes and 1,108 (0.6%) estates for special uses and multi-owned properties.

In relation to the type of use, sales of residential properties increased by 2.8%, sales of properties for business use rose by 2.5% and sales estates for special uses and multi-owned properties increased by 1.4% (Figure 5).

All geographical areas had positive trends for transfers of properties for homes and appurtenances: the North-West (+3.8%) and the Centre (+3.3%) geographical areas registered the most positive results. On the contrary, as far as transfers of units for business use were concerned North-East (+5.7%) and North-West (+3.7%) were the geographical areas performing better than the national average: the Centre, the South and the Islands were almost unchanged compared on the same period of the previous year.

For the first semester of 2017, the total number of real estate unit sales (369,468) increased by 4.4% over the first semester of the previous year, transfers of properties for residential use (346,863) increased by 4.4%, and real transfers of properties for business purposes (20,528) increased by 3.9%.