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Italian tourism satellite account

This note presents the results, referred to the year 2015, of the estimate of the main aggregates of the Tourism Satellite Account (TSA).

In 2015, the value added produced in Italy by tourism-related activities amounted to 87,823 million euros, or 6.0% of the total value added in the Italian economy.

Domestic tourism consumption amounted to 146,334 million euros. The most relevant part is attributed to Italian tourists, with 43.9% of the total, while foreign tourism accounted for 32.9%. The other components of tourism consumption, including the use of second homes for vacation, represented 23.2% of tourist demand.

The product with the greatest weight in domestic tourism consumption is that related to hotels (20.8%), followed by housing services for the use of second-hand owned homes (15.0%) and catering (13.3%). In 2015, foreign tourists spent more than 48 billion euros in Italy, while Italians spent about 24 billion euros on
trips abroad.

This note will be followed in the first months of next year by completing the set of tables provided for the TSA.

For information

Maresca Sandra
Ph. +39 06 4673.6507