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Municipalities' expenditure for social services

The statistical measurement of the resources used for social services by the Municipalities, individually or in an associated form, confirms, also in 2015, the tendency to the rise of expenditure. Tendency already registered in 2014 (+0.8%), after a three-year downturn.

In 2015 the expenditure of the Municipalities for social services, net of the contribution of users and of the National Health Service, amounted to about 6 billion 932 million euros, corresponding to 0.42% of the national GDP.

The average annual expenditure for an inhabitant in Italy was 114 euros, and it remained unchanged from 2013 to 2015. In the South area the expenditure was much lower than in the rest of Italy: 50 euros per capita, while values higher than 100 euros per year were registered in all the other geographical area, with a maximum of 166 euros for the North-East.

38.5% of resources were allocated to families with children, 25.4% to disabled
people, 18.9% to older people, 7% to the fight against poverty and social exclusion, 4.2% to immigrants and 0.4% to people with addictions. The remaining 5.6% of the social expenditure of the municipalities was absorbed by general expenses, organization costs and “multi-user” services.

Over the last ten years the share of spending rose by 20.7% and the destination of resources among the categories of beneficiaries has gradually modified: the share of spending on families with children remained substantially unchanged, while the share of resources allocated to disability increased (from 20.4% in 2005 to 25.4% in 2015) and those dedicated to immigrants (from 2.4% to 4.2%). On the other hand, the weight of services for the elderly has decreased from 23.4% to 18.9%, and in a small part also services and contributions to contrast the poverty and social exclusion (from 7.4 % of 2005 to 7% of 2015).

For information
Giulia Milan
ph. +39 06 4673.7372