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The system of health accounts in Italy

Istat disseminates for the first time the estimates for the system of health accounts with reference to the period 2012-2016. The system of health accounts is structured in accordance with the methodology of the System of Health Accounts (SHA, Commission  Regulation (EU) 2015/359) and is in line with the accounting rules laid down in the European System of Accounts, ESA 2010. It provides information on the Country’s health system useful to meet analysis needs and to make comparisons at international level.

The current healthcare expenditure in 2016 was equal to149,500 million euros, that is a 8.9% incidence on GDP, 75% of which was financed by the public sector, and the rest by the private sector.

Private health expenditure in 2016 was 37,318 million euros, its incidence to GDP was 2.2%; 90.9% of this component was directly incurred by private households.

In 2016, health spending per capita was 2,466 euros with an average annual
increase of 0.7%, in comparison to 2012.

The healthcare expenditure for curative and rehabilitative care in 2016 was 82,032 million euros, that is a 54.9% of total healthcare expenditure. The second component of expenditure is the one related to medical goods (pharmaceutical products and other medical equipment), with 31,106 million euros and a share of 20.8% of the total.

In 2016 hospitals were the main providers of assistance in the Italian healthcare system, with a share of 45.5% on total current health expenditure. Providers of out-patient health services, which accounted for 22.4%, were second in the ranking.

In 2014 the health expenditure of Italy was significantly lower than that of other major countries of the European Union in per capita terms and as a share of GDP. In comparison to the approximately 2,404 euros per inhabitant spent in Italy, United Kingdom, France and Germany spent between 3,000 and 4,000 euros per inhabitant. In 2014, expenditure as a share of GDP was nearly
11% in France and Germany, just below 10% in the United Kingdom and 9% in Italy and Spain.

For information

Maria Assunta Fugnitto
ph. +39 06 4673.3215

Lucia Martina
ph. +39  06 4673.3122