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Foreign trade and Industrial import prices

Istat presents data on Italy’s foreign trade as well as unit value and volume indices (base year 2010=100) referring to December 2016. The results of the flash estimates on extra-EU trade for December 2016 have been disseminated on January 25th.

  • Compared to the previous month, exports in December increased by 2.3%, reflecting a growth in sales for non-Eu countries (+2.5%) and for Eu countries (+2.1%). The growth in purchases (+2.5%) is due to the increase for non-Eu countries (+6.5%) while Eu countries are stationary (+0.0%). In the quarter (October-December 2016), exports’ increase (+2.4%) is due to a rise for both Eu and non-Eu markets (+2.1% and +2.9% respectively). The growth in imports (+3.6%) is mainly due to an increase of purchases of goods from non-EU markets (+5.2%).
  • In December 2016, compared with the same month of the previous year, exports’ increase (+5.7%) reflect a growth in
    sales for both EU (+7.3%) and non-EU markets (+4.1%). The growth of imports (+6.1%) is mainly due to an increase of purchases by non-EU countries (+8.1%). In December, trade balance amounted to +5.8 billion euros: +0.1 billion for EU countries and +5,7 billion for non-EU countries. Net of energy products, the balance was +8.4 billion euros .

The import price index measures the evolution of prices for industrial products bought by industrial and commercial enterprises in Italy, both in the euro zone and the non-euro zone. Since March 2010 indices are compiled in the reference base 2010.

In December 2016 the total import price index increased by 0.5% compared to the previous month (the index increased by 0.1% for the euro zone and by 0.7% for the non-euro zone); the total twelve-month rate of change increased by 1.6% (respectively increased by 0.1% for the euro zone and by 3.0% for the non-euro zone).

The quarterly total index increased by 1.2% compared with the previous period,
by 0.2% for the euro zone and by 2.0% for the non-euro zone.