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ICT usage in local public administration

In 2015 important differences in ICT functions within the organizations were confirmed between smaller and really large and complex local public administrations (PAL). Much of the larger ones had a specific office dedicated to ICT: all the Regions and Autonomous Provinces and 85.5% of the Municipalities over 60,000 inhabitants, compared with 5.5% of the Municipalities up to 5,000 inhabitants.

ICT functions were handled by internal staff in about seven PAL of 10 but, as in 2012, almost all local governments also relied on private providers (94.1%).

The adoption of more sophisticated technologies (such as mobile devices, smart card readers, GIS tools and CAD) showed a positive correlation with the demographic size of PAL: 82 large Municipalities out of 100 and just 16 out of 100 of those up to 5,000 inhabitants used mobile devices such as tablets, smartphones, netbooks (respectively 70.0% and 8.0% in 2012).

The proportion of PAL
using broadband (DSL, wireless, fiber optic) was saturated but, compared to 2012, connection speed improved: 86.7% of connected PAL used at least 2 Mbps speeds (76% in 2012) and 17.4% had access to fiber-optic connections (11% in 2012).

Compared to year 2012, it is growing the use of technology to reduce the costs of PAL. This is valid especially for PAL purchasing in e-procurement (from 30.3% to 79.5%), adopting e-learning (from 12.3% to 34.5%) or cloud computing services (from 10.5% to 25.7%).

In 2015, for more than 7 out of 10 PAL, some current activities (such as accounts management, payments, taxes, and protocol and, only for Municipalities, the register and marital status asset) are increasingly computerized. Still lacking however is the computerization of public relations, competitions and tenders.

The services offered by local governments via web sites are increased. In particular, the proportion of organizations offering the possibility to conclude electronically the entire
process relating to the requested service online is increased from 19.1% of year 2012 to 33.8%. The larger Municipalities are more virtuous (63.1%) than the Regions and Autonomous Provinces (59.1%).

Services more offered via web sites at the highest level of online availability are those linked to the Sportello Unico per le Attività Produttive (point of single contact for enterprises), (24.0%) and the Dichiarazione di inizio attività produttiva (statement of starting productive activities) (14.1%).

To inform users (citizens, enterprises, other PA), the 41.2% and 75.7% of the larger Municipalities and 68.2% and 77.3% of the Regions and Autonomous Provinces, use instruments alternative to website such as, respectively, app or social media.

Among the methods used by PAL in relationships with users, SMS are the most used and growing (22.4% against 15.5% in 2012), followed by call centers (18.4 % and 15.3% in 2012).

The lack of financial resources and qualified staff
in ICT subjects are indicated by local governments as main obstacles to the use of ICT (respectively 67.5% and 60.7%). The availability of more information in the financial management area and in process of administrative procedures are indicated as principal improvements due to the adoption of ICT.

For information

Alessandra Nurra
phone +39 06 4673.6104
Angelo Montani
phone +39 06 4673.6293
Sergio Salamone
phone +39 06 4673.6261