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Citizens’ satisfaction

After five years, in 2016 the percentage of population that were highly satisfied with their life (answering 8, 9 or 10) grew: from 35.1% to 41%. The satisfaction with economic situation improved, while the satisfaction with other specific aspects of life as family, friends, leisure time and health status was stable as well as the trust in other people.

The satisfaction with job increased slightly. These are the main results of the Multi-purpose survey “Aspects of daily life” that took place in March 2016.The population aged 14 and over gave an average score to satisfaction with life as a whole equal to 7. In general, satisfaction decreased as people grew older, with the exception of the age groups 35-44 and 65-74. Women and men were nearly equally satisfied.

In 2016, satisfaction with the personal economic situation was higher than in 2015: from 47.5 % of people aged 14 and over to 50.5%.

At the same time, the percentage of households who judged their economic situation unchanged (from 52.3% in 2015 to 58.3%) or improved (from 5.0% to 6.4%) and their economic resources appropriate (from 55.7% to 58.8%) increased.

90.1% of people aged 14 and over were satisfied with family relationships, 82.8% were satisfied with their friendships and 81.2% of the population expressed a positive opinion on their health status. Around 67% of people were satisfied with leisure time and 76.2% of persons employed were very or fairly satisfied with their job (they were 74.8% in 2015).

78.1% of people aged 14 and over thought that “we must be very careful towards others”; while 19.7% thought that “most people are trustworthy”.

Compared to 2015, households indicated a lower presence of risk of crime in the area in which they lived (from 41.1% to 38.9%). 33% of households complained with the presence of dirt in the streets and 32.9% difficulties in connection with public transport, percentages that are higher than those of 2015.

The percentage of households who indicated presence in their area of air pollution (38.0%), traffic (37.9%), parking problems (37.2%) and presence of noise (31.5%) was unchanged compared with the previous year.