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Agritourism farms in Italy

In 2015, there were 22,238 agritourism farms (agritourism farms licensed to provide accomodation), 494 more than the previous year (+2.3%).

During 2015, new farms licensed for agritourism were 1,628, the ceased ones were 1.134. Compared with 2014, a decrease was registered for new licences (-49 units), while the number of ceased farms increased (+304 units).

Agritourism farms are continuing to offer several services. Tourist packages continue to be offered along with different services, aimed to a better qualification of the agritourist activity linked to the territory where it is located: 8,162 farms provide both accomodation and food serving services, while 10,440 farms add to accommodation other agritourism activities.

Compared to 2014, the number of agritourism farm increased above all in the Centre area (+5.1%), less in the North (+1.7%), decreased in the South and the Islands areas (-1.1%).

In the South and the Islands areas 58.7% of agritourism farms provides accommodation, 54,5% provides food services, 56.6% provides tasting of local typical food, while 60.7% provides other agritourism activities.

Toscana and the Autonomous province of Bolzano/Bozen, with 4,391 and 3,125 farms, are the territories with longstanding and consolidated agritourism tradition.

Over one agritourism farm out of three is managed by a woman (36.1%); the highest concentration is to be found in Toscana, with 1,791 farms, equal to 40.8% of regional total and to 8.0% of national total.