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Home accidents

In 2014, about 700 thousand people –11.3‰ of the population – experienced an accident at home. There were a total of 783,000 accidents, with an average of 1.1 accidents for victim.

The groups of population most exposed at risk were women, children and elderly people. 15‰ of women (compared to 7‰ of man), 27‰ of people aged 75 and over and 9‰ of children up to 5 years suffered an accident in the last three months. Within the groups of women, housewives seemed to be at especially high risk.

Falls were the most frequent type of home accidents. More than one people out of two fell (54.8%); 20.2% of victims got wounds, while cases of struck or crush and burn were about 13%. Accidents caused by another type of dynamic were a small part of the total.

The falls and burns mostly affected women (58.9% compared to 45.4% of men for falls, and 16.3% compared to 6.4% for burns), while wounds were more common with men than with women (27.6% compared to 16.9%).
Falls were very common among older people (76.9% of the accidents for people over 64 years); cases of struck and crushing were more common among children and teenagers (25.3% of children between 6 and 13 years old and 35.1% of young people aged 14 to 17), while the victims with burns were mainly middle-aged women (21.2%).

Kitchen was the most dangerous room in the house (38% of accidents), 11.7% of accidents happened in the bathroom and 10% in the bedroom.

For information
Socio-demographic and environmental statistics directorate

Sante Orsini
ph.+39 06 4673.7256

Valentina Joffre
ph. +39 06 4673.7230