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GDP and General Government net borrowing

The National Institute of Statistics releases the estimates of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and General Government net borrowing according to the definitions of Council Regulation (EC) n. 549/2013 on the European System of Accounts (ESA 2010).

In 2015 GDP at current prices increased by 1.5% (to 1,636,372 million euro) compared with the previous year.

The chained volume measure of GDP increased by 0.8%, after falling by -0.3% in 2014.

Gross fixed capital formation increased by 0.8% and Final consumption expenditure by 0.5%. Imports increased  by 6.0% and exports by 4.3%.

General Government net borrowing was -43,101 million euro: -2.6% of GDP, compared with  -3.0% in 2014; General Government debt went up to 2,169,855 million euro (132.6% of GDP).

Note. On April 4, 2016 some correction on estimates for years 2013, 2014 and 2015 have been introduced to overcome little incoherencies between the march 1st estimate and the today’s estimate of annual sector accounts. The aggregate of other tax on production has been changed for the year 2015 in the sequence of accounts; consequently, the evaluation at factor cost of value added and production for the same year changes. In the sequence of accounts, due to a revision in balance of payments for years 2013, 2014 and 2015, aggregates in international transaction and the value for Net National Income have been revised.
Data have been replaced in the I.Stat database.

Date of next release: 23 September 2016