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Demographic indicators

In 2015 the resident population decreased by 2.3 per thousand inhabitants. The reduction corresponds to 139,000 units less, resulting in a total population of 60 million 656 thousand residents on January 1st, 2016.

Non nationals residing in Italy on 1st January 2016 were 5 million 54 thousand and represented 8.3% of the total population. Compared to a year before there was an increase of 39 thousand units. The Italian citizenship population dropped to 55.6 million, achieving a loss of 179,000 residents.

Deaths were 653,000, 54,000 more than in 2014 (+ 9.1%). The mortality rate of 10.7 per thousand, is the highest ever measured from World War II onwards. The increase of mortality is concentrated in very old age group (75-95 years).

From a demographic point of view, the peak of mortality in 2015 is partly due to structural effects associated with aging and in part to the postponement of deaths not occurred in 2013-2014, a more favorable period for survival.

Life expectancy at birth decreased at  80.1 years for men (-0.2 compared to 2014) and 84.7 years for women (-0.3).

In 2015, births were 488,000 (8 per thousand inhabitants), fifteen thousand fewer than the previous year and the new lowest level since the Unification of Italy.

The natural increase (difference between births and deaths) further dropped to -165 thousand.

2015 was the fifth consecutive year of reduction for fertility, which fell to 1.35 children per woman. The mean age at childbearing has grown in the meantime to 31.6 years.

The net international migration was 128 thousand units (273,000 immigrations against 145,000 emigrations), representing a rate of 2.1 per thousand inhabitants. This outcome  represents a quarter of that achieved in 2007 at a time of record high for international migration.

Registrations from abroad of non national citizens were 245 thousand, while Italians who repatriated were 28 thousand. International emigrations concerned 45 thousand non-nationals and 100 thousand Italians.

The changes of residence within the national borders came down, after 12 years, under the level of one million and 300 thousand, recording a decrease of 3% on 2014.

The internal migration pattern continued to lead to a positive internal migration balance for the North (+0.9 per thousand inhabitants) and the Centre (+0.6) and negative for the South amnd the Islands area (-2.5).

The aging process does not retreat. People aged 65 and over, representing 22% of the total, grew to 13.4 million. The working age population (15-64 years) has gone down to 39 million and represents 64.3% of the total. Young people up to 14 years of age is 8.3 million and represents 13.7%.

The overall dependency ratio has grown in one year from 55.1 to 55.5%. The old age dependency ratio has risen from 33.7 to 34.2%. The mean age of the population further increased by two tenths, reaching 44.6 years.