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Notarial activity

ISTAT has released the 2007, 2008 and 2009 findings of the survey on notarial activities conducted by all notaries on Italian territory (approximately 5,000) since 1997. The survey was conducted in collaboration with the Central office of notarial archives (Ufficio centrale archivi notarili) and the National council of notaries (Consiglio nazionale del notariato).

The statistical tables now available for downloading detail the distribution of notarial activity. To facilitate the temporal analysis of this phenomenon’s development, various enhancements have been made to the format used to present the previous edition.

The data being released include details from district and regional notarial archives with a quarterly accounting of agreements on land/real estate unit purchases and loan stipulations. The most significant data are also reported as historical series for the 1997-2009 period.

The survey model that was employed provides a comprehensive overview of notarial activities and represents an important collection of socio-economic information. The survey focuses on notarial deeds and the agreements contained within them as the object of the study. Notarial deeds (public and certified) have been grouped into homogeneous categories, with the analysis focusing on the most common and meaningful agreements.

The tables are accompanied by an index and brief instructions for interpreting the data.

Please be advised that the data for real estate purchases and loan stipulations are also published on a quarterly basis at the regional level of aggregation:

ISTAT. Compravendite immobiliari e mutui. I trimestre 2010. (Statistics in brief, 8th September 2010).