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Road accidents in Italy (estimates)

In the context of the continuous improvement of road accidents statistics information, this press release provides, for the first time, a preliminary estimate of a trend for road accidents occurred during the year; these data, referred to the first six months of 2015, increase the timeliness in the assessment of the actions to address the problem.

During the first semester 2015, it is estimated a number of road accidents resulting in death or injury just under 85 thousand. The number of deaths, within thirty days, is 1,596, while the injured persons would be 119,599.

Considering the final data for the same period of 2014, the preliminary estimates shows a decrease of road accidents resulting in death or injury of 2.9% and of injuries (-3.8%), while an increase of deaths has been registered (+1,0%), (Table 1 and Chart 2). During the first six months of 2015, a trend inversion of the deaths number decrease, rising the distance from the goal of a 50% victims reduction within 2020 (Chart 3).

With reference to the first semester of 2001, the number of killed decreased by 51.4%, while between 2010 and 2015, considering the first semester, the percentage change was equal to -19.0% (Charts 1 and 2).

The mortality index, calculated as the percentage ratio between the number of deaths and the number of accidents resulting in death or injury, is equal to 1.88. This value has a slight increase compared with the same index in the first semester of 2014 (1.81).

On inside urban area roads and minor rural roads, 76.1% road accidents, 72.7% injured and 47.4% killed are recorded. The number of killed increases by 7.4%, with respect of the same period in 2014. The mortality index is equal to 1.17, it was 1.06 in the first semester of 2014.

On the motorways 5.2% of road accidents , 6.2% of injured and 8.8% of killed were recorded. The number of victims, for this road category, shows a decrease compared to 2014 equal to 4.1%. Moreover, on the basis of the preliminary results, it would be recorded 3.14 deaths per 100 road accidents (3.34 in 2014).

On the rural roads, 18.7% out of total accidents, with 21.1% injured and 43.9% killed were recorded; the percentage change of victims number, in respect of the period January-June 2014, is equal to -4.1%. The mortality index is equal to 4.42 deaths per 100 road accidents (4.38 in 2014). (Charts 4 and 5).

The year 2015 shows a mobility recovery. In fact, preliminary data available indicates that the new registrations of passenger cars, during the period January-June 2015, increased by 15.6% over the same period of the previous year.