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Bullying among early teens

Depending on the frequency which characterizes aggressive episodes, one can distinguish between a singular episode of offense and repeated (at least several times a month) actions or threats of action directed toward a person by one or more people who have or are perceived to have more power or status than their target in order to cause fear, distress or harm. In the latter case, one can define the victim as “victim of bullying”.

Among early teens (aged 11-17 years) over 50.0% has suffered from offensive, disrespectful and/or violent episodes. Around a fifth percent (19.8%) has been victim of “bullyism” several times a month; 9.1% of these victims have suffered actions of bullying on a weekly basis.

Offensive, disrespectful and/or violent acts have been repeatedly suffered more by the adolescents aged 11-13 years (22.5%) than by those aged 14-17 years (17.9%); more by females (20.9%) than by males (18.8%).

The victims of assiduous bullying accounted for 23% of the adolescents aged 11-17 years in Northern Italy. Including also actions that have occurred sporadically (sometimes during a year) the bullied adolescents living in the North were over 57%.

Among the mobile phone and/or Internet users, 5.9% remarks he/she has received, repeatedly, vexatious acts by text message, e-mail, chat or on social networks. Cyber bullying victims were more present among females (7.1% related to females aged 11-17 years vs. 4.6% related to males).

The most common bullying acts consist of offenses by nicknames, swear words or insults (12.1%), derision for physical appearance and/or way of speaking (6.3%), defamation (5.1%), exclusion because of their views (4.7%).

For information
Socio-demographic and environmental statistics Directorate

Luciana Quattrociocchi
ph. +39 06 4673.7377

Massimo Strozza
ph. +39 06 4673.7592