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International and internal migration

During 2014, 278,000 people immigrated to Italy, compared to the 307,000 people who immigrated during the previous year (-9.7%). 89.5% of all immigrants were foreign citizenships.

The decline in immigration is mainly due to the decrease in the number of foreign immigrants (from 279,000 in 2013 to 248,000 in 2014). As a matter of fact, the number of Italian immigrants showed an increase from 28,000 to 29,000.

Among immigrants, the largest number of entries were counted for Romanian (51,000), Moroccan (18,000) and Chinese (16,000) citizenships. Compared to 2013, there was a marked decrease in the number of immigrants with Moldavian (-53%), Ecuadorian (-42%), Peruvian (-36%) and Ghanaian
(-33%) citizenships. In percentage terms the Pakistanis and Bengalese citizenships showed the highest increases (+23 and +21 respectively).

During 2014, 136,000 emigrants left the Country, which is higher than the 126,000 people who emigrated during the previous year (+8.4%). The fall in immigration and the rise of emigration drove to a decrease in net migration (-22,2% compared to 2013) although it was still positive (+141,000).

The increase in emigration was mainly due to the rise in the number of national emigrants (from 82,000 in 2013 to 89,000 in 2014). In the same period, the number of foreign emigrants showed an increase from 44,000 to 47,000.

Germany, United Kingdom, Switzerland and France were the top countries for emigration of nationals in 2014.

62,000 national emigrants with more than 24 years of age held a degree (about 30%). There was an increase (+18,6%) in the number of returnees with a high educational level.

During 2014, 1 million and 313,000 people changed the residence among Italian Municipalities. Compared to 2013 there was a decrease of internal mobility by -3.6%.

The vast majority (994,000 people) of the internal mobility took place within the same region, while 320,000 people chose a different region of residence.

The number of foreign citizens that migrated within the Country was 239,000 in 2014, -10,000 compared to 2013.