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Road accidents in Italy

In 2014, there were 177,031 road accidents resulting in deaths or injuries in Italy, with 3,381 killed (deaths within 30 days) and 251,147 injured persons. Comparing 2014 data with the previous year (2013), a decrease by 2.5% for accidents, 2.7% for injuries and 0.6% for killed persons is recorded.

In the EU28 Countries, in 2014, 25,896 persons died in road accidents; in 2013, 26,025 fatalities were registered, with a percentage change in the number of deaths equal to -18.0% between 2014 and 2010; in Italy has been equal to -17.8%. The number of deaths per million inhabitants for each country was 51, in the EU28; In Italy registered a value of 55.6, that is the fourteenth position in the European ranking, behind United Kingdom, Spain, Germany and France.

On the basis of the Hospital Discharge data, the seriously injured in road accidents were approximately 15,000 against 13,000 in 2013(+16 %). The number of serious injuries in road accident, for every death, is 4.4 (3.8 in 2013).

On the urban area roads occurred 133,598 road accidents, 180,474 injured and 1,505 killed persons; on motorways, the road accidents were 9,148, with 15,290 injured and 287 killed persons. On the other rural roads, motorways excluded, 34,285 road accidents, 55,383 injured and 1,589 killed were recorded.

The most dangerous accidents occurred on rural roads (motorways excluded), where 4.63 deaths every 100 road accidents happened. The victims were 1.13 per 100 accidents for road accidents inside the urban area and 3.14 on motorways. The number of deaths decreased on motorways and rural roads (compared to  2013: -10.6% and -3.8%), increased inside the urban area (+5.4%).

Friday is the day recording the highest number of road accidents  (27,021, equal to 15.4% out of total). The most dangerous accidents happen on Sunday (3.1 deaths per 100 accidents), followed by Saturday (2,3). During the night (between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m.) the mortality index is higher on rural roads or motorways than inside the urban area.

In 2014, 1,491 deaths among cars drivers and passengers were registered, followed by motorcyclists (704), pedestrians (578), cyclists (273), occupants of trucks (159), moped (112) and other road users (64). The mortality index for pedestrian (killed per 100 accidents) is four time higher than the same index for car occupants (2.75 against 0.67). For motorcyclists and cyclists the indicator level is more than double in respect of car drivers and passengers (1.69 e 1.41).

Infografhic: Road accidents in Italy in 2014 Infografhic - Road accidents in Italy in 2014
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