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People with impairments or severe chronicity

In 2013 about 13 million persons aged 15 and over have functional limitations. For this people the interaction between health conditions and behavioural factors may result in restrictions to the social inclusion.

Among persons with functional limitations, impairments or severe chronic diseases, 23.4% report they have severe limitations, as they have the highest degree of difficulty in at least one among their physical or sensory capacities or in carrying out every day personal care activities. The number of these persons out of resident population is estimated in about 3 million.

Women and elderly people are the biggest groups among persons with functional limitations, impairments or severe chronic diseases (54.7% and 61.1% respectively). The share of persons with severe limitations is higher among elderly women (37.8%) compared to the share recorded for elderly men (22.7%).

About  5 million persons aged 15-64 with functional limitations, impairments or severe chronic diseases are not enrolled in any vocational nor educational training. Out of them, 8.4% have difficulties in studying due to their health problems. The proportion increase up to 37.3% among those who have severe limitations.

Health conditions have a strong impact on the participation of labour market. In 2013, 44.0% of persons aged 15-64 years with functional limitations, impairments or severe chronic diseases were employed against 55.1% of people employed in the total population. Only 19.7% among people with severe limitations were employed.

The proportion of people with functional limitations, impairments or severe chronic diseases who have difficulties in the mobility due to their health conditions is very high: 27.2% have difficulties in getting out from home, 22.3% in acceding buildings and 19.7% in using public transport. The shares increase among persons with severe limitations, reaching 76.2, 70.5 and 59.6% respectively.

Among persons with functional limitations, impairments or severe chronic diseases 13.0% finds difficult using public transport because of environmental barriers. The proportion is 29.6% among persons with severe limitations.

17.0% of persons with functional limitations, impairments or severe chronic diseases have difficulties in meeting friends and relatives due to their health conditions and 22.1% have difficulties in practising leisure activities because of the same reasons. The share of persons with difficulties in using Internet for their health conditions is smaller (11.1%). The proportions increase three times among persons with severe limitations reaching 47.6, 60.8 and 36.3% respectively.

For information:

Socio-demographic and environmental statistics directorate
Gabriella Sebastiani
ph. +39 06 4673.7261