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Labour indicators in enterprises

Number of jobs

Since first quarter 2015, the new indices on the number of jobs are calculated with reference to the base year 2010 using the Ateco 2007 classification (Italian edition of NACE Rev. 2). A detail on temporary employment agency jobs is also presented.

In the first quarter 2015 the seasonally adjusted index of jobs decreased by 0.1% in total industry and services compared to the previous quarter (-0.7% in industry and +0.2% in services); temporary employment agency jobs increased by 6.9% with respect to the fourth quarter 2014. The unadjusted index of jobs decreased by 0.8% in total industry and services compared to the first quarter 2014 (-2.8% in industry and +0.4% in services); temporary employment agency jobs increased by 18.8% compared to the same quarter of the previous year.

Hours worked

Hours worked in enterprises with at least 10 employees in industry and services are calculated both as volumes and as per capita indices with base year 2010 and with reference to the Ateco 2007 classification (the Italian edition of the Nace Rev. 2).

In the first quarter of 2015 seasonally adjusted volumes of hours worked for the total of industry and services decreased by 0.2% with respect to the previous quarter. Working day adjusted volumes of hours worked for the total of industry and services were unchanged with respect to the same quarter of 2014.

In the first quarter of 2015 seasonally adjusted per capita hours worked for the total of industry and services were unchanged with respect to the previous quarter. Working day adjusted per capita hours worked for the total of industry and services increased by 0.2% with respect to the same quarter of 2014.

Job vacancies

A job vacancy is a paid post which can be newly created, unoccupied or about to become vacant, for which the employer is taking active steps and is prepared to take further steps to find a suitable candidate from outside the enterprise concerned. The job vacancy rate is the percentage ratio between vacancies and the sum of vacancies and occupied posts (both measured at the end of the reference quarter). The data refer to enterprises with at least 10 employees.

In the first quarter of 2015 the seasonally adjusted job vacancy rate for both the total of industry and services and the business economy was 0.6% and it had increased by 0.1 percentage points with respect to the previous quarter. The unadjusted job vacancy rate was 0.7% and it had increased by 0.1 percentage points with respect to the same quarter of 2014.

Labour cost

Since first quarter 2013, gross wages and labour cost indices are calculated with reference to the base year 2010 using the Ateco 2007 classification (Italian edition of NACE Rev. 2).

In the first quarter 2015 the seasonally adjusted index of labour cost per full time equivalent (fte) increased by 0.5% in total industry and services compared to the previous quarter (+0.8% in industry and +0.4% in services). The unadjusted index increased by 1.4% in total industry and services compared to the first quarter 2014 (+2.0% in industry and +1.0% in services).

Next release: 15 September 2015