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Large firms labour indicators

Labour indicators for large firms (enterprises with 500 employees and more) are calculated with reference to the base year 2010 using the Ateco 2007 classification (Italian edition of Nace Rev. 2).

In November 2014 the seasonally adjusted employment index in large firms decreased by 0.1% (-0.3 in industry and -0.1 in services) compared with October; net of workers in cassa integrazione guadagni (Cig = short-time working allowance) it decreased by 0.2%(-0.2 in industry and -0.1 in services). The percentage change of the average of the last three months compared to the previous three months was -0.3% gross and -0.1% net of Cig.

The unadjusted employment index in large firms decreased by 0.9% compared with November 2013 (-0.5% net of Cig); the percentage change of the eleven months of the year with respect to the same period of 2013 was -0.9% (-0.5% net of Cig).

In November 2014 the seasonally adjusted index of gross average earnings per hour worked increased by 2.5% with respect to the previous month (+0.6 in industry and +2.8% in services). The percentage change of the average of the last three months compared to the previous three months was +0.5% (+0.8% in industry and -0.1% in services).

The unadjusted index of gross average earnings per hour worked increased by 3.0% compared with November 2013 (+3.8% in industry and +2.5% in services). The percentage change of the eleven months of the year with respect to the same period of 2013 was +1.7% (+2.5% in industry and +1.2% in services).

For more details please refer to the Italian version.