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Distribution of fertilizers and plant protection products

In 2013 41.1 million quintals of fertilizers were distributed, 13.4% less compared with the previous year.

A decrease (-23.9%) of fertilizers (minerals, organic, organo-mineral) and an increase of soil amendments (+ 3.3%), substrates (+ 6.1%) and correctives (+12.2 %) were reported.

The decrease confirmed the overall descending trend of the last years: during the period 2002-2013 fertilizers decreased by 23.4%.

In 2013, mineral fertilizers amounted to 19.4 million quintals (62.5% straight minerals; 36.5% compounds mineral). The distributed organic and organico-mineral fertilizer amounted respectively to 2.4 and 2.1 million quintals. The distribution of soil amendments corresponds to 12.6 million quintals. The soil correctives amounted to 3.4 million tons; substrates are about 952,000 quintals.

66% of fertilizer products were distributed in the northern regions, 16% in the central areas and 18% in the South and Islands area of Italy.

The amount of plant protection products distributed for agricultural use amounted to over 118 thousand tons (-11.9% year over year).

All plant protection products decreased year over year: -14.6% fungicides, -15.0% insecticides and acaricides, -3.1% herbicides and -9.6% various. Compared with the 2002, a 29.2% decrease was registered.

A 10.1 % decrease of active substances for agricultural use was been observed; 59.0% were fungicides, 11.0% insecticides and acaricides, 13.9% herbicides, 15.6% various.

In 2013, the amount of active substances in plant protection products in organic farming decreased compared with 2012 (-23.7%).

The number of traps decreased by 60% year over year, continuing a trend started in 2008.

53.1% of plant protection products was distributed in the northern regions, 12.3% in the central regions and 34.6% in the South and Islands area of Italy.

For more details please refer to the Italian version.