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Energy consumptions of households

Almost all the households live in dwellings with space and water heating, while systems for cooling are less common (only 3 out of 10 households).

There are large regional differences in the distribution of air conditioning systems: from only 1.5% for the households living in Valle d’Aosta to about 50% for those in Sardegna.

The most common type of heating system is the autonomous, both for house (used by 66 families out of 100), and water heating (74). The systems for individual rooms  are used more frequently in the South, the centralized systems in the North.

The main energy source for both space and water heating is natural gas, used by more than 70% of households.

In 2013, households spent for energy consumption over 42 billion euro, with an average expenditure per household equal to 1635 euro.

Households expenditure for energy consumption is highest in the North and lower in the South, with a differential of over 400 euro (30% more than the expenses incurred in the South).

The annual average expenditure increases due both to the number of households  members and to their age. A single young component household spends on avarage about 650 euros more than a couple with three or more children.

During the winter season, space heating systems are turned on every day for the 86% of dwellings, with significant regional differences (98% in Bolzano and 62% in Sicily).

Space heating systems are used, on average, for about 8 hours per day, more in the afternoon (almost 4 hours) than in the morning (2 hours and a half) or overnight (about an hour). The households living in the North use them for two hours more than those living in the Center and for three hours and a half more than the families in the South.

A few years after the withdrawal from the market of traditional bulbs, energy-saving bulbs already represent almost three quarters of the total number of light bulbs used in residential sector.

Households made investments aimed to energy savings over the past five years: more than half of the families in order to reduce expenses for electricity, 21% for space heating costs, 15% for water heating costs and, finally, 10% for air conditioning.

More than 20 households out of 100 use wood for energy purposes (consuming 3.2 tons on average per year), while only 4.1% uses pellets. The firewood consumption is higher in mountain municipalities (over 40% of households) and in Umbria and Trentino Alto Adige (a little less than a family on two).

Half of the households consuming firewood use (partially or completely) self-produced or collected wood. The oak is the most widely used type of wood.

For information
Paola Ungaro
ph. +39 06 4673 4468
Carlo Lucarelli
ph. +039 06 4673 4565