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Net borrowing and debt in the EDP Notification

Data on General government net borrowing, for the years 2006-2009, transmitted last 30 September to the European Commission, substantially confirm the ones published on 1 March 2010.
In 2009, General government net borrowing increased by about 38,200 millions of euro over the previous year, reaching the level of -80,863 millions euros, equal to 5.3% of GDP (2.7% in the previous year).

For the years 2009, General government debt, published by Bank of Italy, was equal to 1,763,559 millions of euro (116.0% of GDP). Compared to the previous year, the debt GDP ratio increased by 9.7 percentage points.

The 2010 net borrowing and the net borrowing net of interest should amount respectively to 5.0% and -0.3% of GDP, while government debt would rise to 118.5% of GDP.