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Population and the environment

The last decades have been characterized by changes in the environment, most of which determined by the increasing pressure from human activities on natural ecosystems.

The annual Multipurpose Survey “Aspetti della vita quotidiana” (Aspects of Everyday Life), with 1998 and 2012 editions, allows the analysis of the relationship between citizens and the environment with respect to a number of factors, such as the adoption of environmental friendly behaviors, the environmental concerns at the micro and macro level, the interest in environmental issues, the satisfaction with the state of the environment.

In 2012, less than half the population (45%) said to be interested in environmental issues. Between citizens who are interested, 85 out of 100 inform themselves through television and radio programs, 54 by reading newspapers. Active participation is less frequent: 5 out of 100 citizens attend conferences on environmental issues; 3 follow initiatives of environmental organizations.

The citizens believe that environmental protection should be ensured especially by the citizens and institutions, both mentioned by 70% of people. Less importance is given to the contribution of enterprises (30%).

For information

State of the environment section
Paola Ungaro
ph. +39 06 4673.4468

Valentina Talucci
ph. +39 06 4673.4644