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Italian multinational enterprises

Data refer to 2011 for the business structure and economic activities carried out abroad by Italian-controlled enterprises, and to 2012-2013 for new investments abroad with a majority share, including information on their geographical and business functions breakdown.

In 2011, 21,682 Italian foreign affiliates operated in more than 161 countries. These enterprises employed 1,7 million persons, and generated a turnover of 510 billion euros. The economic relevance of these enterprises, as compared to resident businesses, was equal to 15.0% of turnover, and 20.8% of turnover excluding the purchase of goods and services (this latter variable represents a rough proxy for value added).

Italian foreign affiliates in manufacturing account for almost 6,500 enterprises, representing slightly more than a half of Italian affiliates active in non financial services. However, their relevance as compared to resident businesses is more remarkable than non-financial services.

The industrial sectors, where the activity carried out abroad by MNEs is more significant, are manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers (260 units, more than 148 thousand persons employed, 74.1 billion euros in turnover, of which 21.6 excluding the purchase of goods and services) manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c. (1,167 Italian foreign affiliates with about 121 thousand persons employed, and with 31.9 billion euros of turnover, of which 6.9 billion net of goods and services purchase), manufacture of textiles and textile products (596 enterprises, with more than 86 thousand persons employed, 5.2 billion turnover, of which 1.8 excluding the purchase of goods and services).

For information:

Statistics on foreign trade and enterprises multinational activities
Emanuela Trinca
Ph. +39.06.4673.6142
Elisabetta Bilotta
Ph. +39.06.4673.6145