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Adults’ Participation in Learning Activities

In 2012, 51.5 % of people aged 18-74 carried out at least one learning activity in the 12 months preceding the interview. Compared with the previous survey, conducted in 2006, the percentage has increased by about 5 percentage points (it was 45.7 %).

The participation is higher for men (54%) than for women (49.1%), and more frequent among graduates (80.5 %) than among people with primary education (17.6%).
Among the employed, the highest proportion of adults engaged in learning activities is recorded among those with a higher professional position: 79.7 % among managers, entrepreneurs and professionals, while it is 52.9% among blue collars and 37.4% for people working in not qualified jobs.

In the North-east regions 59.3% of individuals are engaged in learning activities, 56% in Central regions, 52.5% in the North-west area, while the level of participation in the South and in the Islands is the lowest (43.7%). Compared to 2006, the highest increase is recorded in the regions of Central Italy.

For information
Socio-economic statistics
Liana Verzicco
phone +39 06 4673.38 19
Barbara Baldazzi
phone +39 06 4673.38 18