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Road accidents in Italy

During 2012, the number of road accidents resulting in deaths or injuries in Italy was 186,726, with 3,653 killed (deaths within 30 days) and 264,716 injured persons.

Comparing 2012 data with the previous year (2011), a decrease of 9.2% for accidents, 9.3% for injuries and 5.4% for killed persons is recorded. in Italy the decrease, , of killed persons in road accidents, between 2001 and 2012, is 48.5%, and the number of deaths passed from 7,096 to 3,653 (Chart 1).

In the EU27 Countries, during 2012, 27,724 persons died in road accidents; during 2011, 30,382 victims were registered. The percentage change of the number of deaths , between 2011 and 2012, is 8.8% and -5.4%, respectively in EU27 and in Italy The number of deaths per million inhabitants in the EU27 countries, during 2012, was 55,0. In Italy this value was 60.1, ranking thirteenth position in the European classification, behind  United Kingdom, Spain, Germany and France.

During 2012, 141,715 road accidents, 191,521 injured and 1,562 killed persons were counted on the inside urban area roads. Regarding the motorways, the road accidents were 9,398 the injured persons 15,852 and the killed persons 330. On the other rural roads (motorways excluded), 35,613 road accidents, 57,343 injured and 1,761 killed were recorded.

The mortality index, calculated by means the ratio between deaths and road accidents (per 100), shows that the most dangerous accidents occur on the rural roads (motorways excluded), where 4.94 deaths every 100 road accidents happens. The inside urban area road accidents are less dangerous than the others (1.10 deaths per 100 accidents). For the motorways, the index is equal to 3.51 (per 100). On the rural roads and motorways an increase of the mortality index, between 2012 and 2011 was recorded (values for 2011: 4.73 e 3.07).

The mortality index reach the highest value at 3, 5 and 6 o’clock a.m. (daily average 1.96 deaths per 100 accidents) The week day with the highest mortality index level is Sunday (2.99 deaths per 100 accidents).Concerning the night-time (between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m.), the highest mortality index level is reached on rural roads or motorways and on Monday and Thursday night (7.71 and 7.74 deaths per 100 accidents)

In seven cases out of ten the drivers are victims in road accidents represents (70.0%), passengers and pedestrians correspond, in that order, to 14.6% and 15.4%.

Among drivers deceased in road accidents (2,555 in total), people between 20 and 49 years old (1,321 in total – 51.7%) are at a disadvantage, compared to the other ages. Deaths are registered mainly for young people in the age classes 20-24 and adults 40-44 years old (263 deaths and 275 deaths). It has to be noted that the proportion of bicycle drivers killed in road accidents is still on the rise: +2.5% between 2012 and 2011. An increase of 7.2% was recorded over the previous year.

Cars represent the vehicle category mainly involved in road accidents (66.3%), motorcycles represent 13.6% out of total vehicles involved, trucks 6.5%, bicycles 5.2% and moped 5.0%.

For information:

Division for Socio-demographic and Environmental Statistics
Statistics on health and social security

Silvia Bruzzone
ph. +39 06 4673.7384
fax +39 06 4673.7616

Marina Patteri
ph. +39 06 4673.7239

Giordana Baldassare
ph. +39 06 4673.7381