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Classification of learning activities

Istat adopts the Classification of learning activities (CLA), one of the main tools for measuring the statistical issues related to the participation of individuals in lifelong learning.

CLA is designed to serve as an instrument for compiling and presenting comparable statistics and indicators on learning activities both within countries and across countries. It is intended for the collection, compilation and presentation of data:

  • regarding both individuals (through household surveys such as the survey on adult education, focusing on lifelong learning) and training providers;
  • covering the participation of individuals in learning systems, as well as other aspects of learning such as the time dedicated to learning, the money spent/invested in it.

CLA provides relevant criteria for the classification of all learning activities: formal, non-formal education and informal learning. In doing so it remains coherent with ISCED 97, the international classification of educational qualifications, and builds on key methodological reference documents.



Broad categories / Classes / Sub-classes

1. Formal education
2. Non-formal education
2.1 Non formal programmes
2.2 Courses:
2.2.1 Courses conducted via classroom instruction (including lectures)
2.2.2 Combined theoretical-practical courses (including workshops)
2.2.3. Courses conducted through open and distance education
2.2.4. Private tuition (private lessons)
2.3. Guided on-the-job-training
2.4. Other non-specified elsewhere
3. Informal learning
3.1. Taught Learning
3.1.1. Coaching / Informal tuition
3.1.2. Guided visits
3.2 Non-taught learning
3.2.1. Self-learning
3.2.2. Learning-group
3.2.3 Practice
3.2.4. Non-guided visits

The reference manual provides a set of definitions and criteria designed to ensure international comparability in the Classification of learning activities and explains the fundamental concepts that are the basis of statistical information on these activities.

For information

Statistics on Education, Training and Labour