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Citizens and cinema

In 2017, 49.6% of people aged 6 and over (about 28 million 400 thousand people) went to the cinema at least once in the last 12 months.

Among the people who went to the cinema, the majority (30.1%) had an occasional attendance (1 to 3 times a year), 11.7% a little more regular (from 4 to 6 times a year), while only 7.7% went more regularly (7 or more times a year).

The trend of the last 25 years is characterized by a considerable increase in the proportion of occasional spectators (from 20.9% in 1993 to 30.1%) and by the decrease of frequent visitors (from 9.5% in 1993 to 7, 7%).

Over the past twenty-five years, the percentage of women who went to the cinema at least once in the previous year has strongly growth. In fact, compared to 1993, the rate of women rose from 37.6% to 48.8%, that of men from 44.0% to 50.5%.

Cinema attendance is strongly linked to age: in 2017, more than 70% of youth aged 6-14 and about 80% of young people aged 14-24 went to the cinema at least once a year.

The younger generations, however, although presenting very high levels of cinema attendance, decreasing their attendance in advance compared to the generations that preceded them.

People living in the regions of the Center had higher levels of cinema attendance (54.5%%), followed by the regions of the North with values around the average (50.2%) and finally of the South and the Islands with values always below the average (46.1%).

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For information
Emanuela Bologna
Ph. +39 06 4673.7422

Rita Fornari
Ph. +39 06 4673.7352