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Voorburg Group Meeting - Rome 2018

International Working group
Rome, 24-28 September 2018
Hotel Quirinale
Via Nazionale 7 – 00184

By invitation only

The Italian National Institute of Statistics will host the 33rd meeting of the Voorburg Group on Service Statistics from Monday 24th to Friday 28th September 2018 in Rome.

Since 1986 the Voorburg Group has contributed to building up and sharing a considerable and growing body of knowledge on Service Sector Statistics. It has promoted international cooperation in the development of standards and has assisted in resolving statistical and measurement challenges in the Service Sector.

The primary objective of the Group is to establish an internationally comparable methodology for measuring the constant dollar outputs of the services industries. With a special focus on developing concepts, methods, and best practices in the areas of services, the scope of the Voorburg Group is centered on producer price indices (PPIs) for services, turnover by products and classifications.

In the yearly meeting, the VG members will contribute to expand the knowledge in the field of services by Identifying and sharing best practices for use of alternative data sources in the measurement of output and producer price indexes for services industries and products.

Further information can be found at the meeting website: