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Classification of foreign countries

List of foreign countries, areas and continents on 31 December 2015

Istat provides a three-digit code for every existing foreign country.

The list of countries and their codes will be updated following the changes occurring in the world’s geopolitical configuration. Events such as the birth of a new state, the termination of an existing State, etc. are eligible to determine updates of the classification. Countries are grouped by continent and geopolitical area of belonging. As for Europe, in particular, EU member states and other European countries are distinguished. An application of the list of foreign countries is the encoding of citizenship. In this regard, the code 888 is reserved for the category “recognized non-citizens” (Latvia), the code 999 is reserved for the category “stateless person”, in which are classified other individuals who are not recognized as citizens of any country.

download List of foreign countries, areas and continents on 31 December 2015

List of foreign countries on 31 December 2002-2015

This file contains the lists of foreign countries existing on 31 December of each single year from 2002 to 2015 and on the date of Census 2011 (9 October 2011).

download List of foreign countries on 31 December 2002-2015

Changes in foreign countries since 2002

The file shows the changes that have occurred since 2002 in classification of foreign countries. The changes include: the establishment of a new country (NS), the termination of an existing country (CS), the change of countries geopolitical area of belonging (CA) – as in the case of the states that over time have joined the EU -, the changes in Istat classification country names (CD), new entries for compliance to the international guidelines (TE), exclusion for compliance to the international guidelines (ES).

download Changes in foreign countries since 2002