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Economic performance of agricultural holdings

In 2011, the Italian agricultural holdings belonging to the EU universe (around 1.6 million) had 969 thousand working units (Ula), of which 186 thousand dependent workers (19.2 percent), with production amounting to 41.6 billion euro and value added around 23.3 billion euro (basic prices evaluations).

The 11 percent of farms produces for self-consumption only, while the weight of multi-functional units is relevant, as regards number (12.7 percent), Ula (22.7 percent), production (27.8 percent) and value added (27.7 percent).

On average, in 2011 the agricultural farms realized about 25,600 euro of product (of which the 93.4 percent has been commercialized), with a gross operating surplus (Rlg) of about 13,600 euro by farm.

In comparison with 2010, the number of farms increased by 0.2 percent, production by 7.8 percent, value added by 7.9 percent and employment by  2.2 percent.

The analysis of the dependent employment labor cost puts in evidence the lower average daily wage of temporary workers in comparison with permanent workers. As a matter of fact, the share of working days referred to temporary workers is equal to 79.6 percent, while that referred to the correspondent labor cost is 71.4 percent.