
Experimental statistic

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Businesses behaviors and sustainable development

In the last years, sustainability has been associated with businesses, looking to the impact of their activities on environment and on people wellbeing and which one of the territories where they operate.

The growing interest on environment impacts and corporate social responsibility issues, has pushed research toward new indicators measuring these phenomena. Although the dashboard of indicators building on wellbeing and sustainable development themes are spread at international level, measurement of businesses micro aspects (complementary to the ones of the Environmental National Accounts) is running without structured and shared system inside the international statistical system.

Istat has, therefore, started an initiative at experimental level in order to collect information directly to the enterprise level, aiming to elaborate some new indicators on sustainability spreading and orientation by the Italian business. The goal of the project launched by Istat is to give an integrate informative picture, continuing in evolution, useful in particular for analyzing the businesses economic performances (i.e. productivity of labor), who adopted business models oriented to sustainable development.

The aim of this experimental statistics is, therefore, to spread the first data, analyzing business characteristics in terms of environmental and social sustainability and their relationship with the traditional economic measures.

For information:

Fabiola Riccardini
ph. +39 06 4673.7334