Sixty years of Europe

After the Second World War, population in Europe grew at a sustained pace, with the largest increases in the early sixties and early seventies. In 1980, a phase began in which Italy’s population remained almost stable, which clearly distanced >read more

Historically, the postwar period was characterized by a decreasing trend in births, both in Italy and in Europe. In Italy, the years of economic boom were an exception, and in 1964, births hit a peak. The same trend was observed >read more

Contrary to a rooted belief, the number of children per woman in Italy was below European values until the mid-sixties. Despite a widespread decline started on that date, the total fertility rate >read more

The average age of women at childbirth in Italy is structurally higher than that observed in European aggregates by a margin between six months and two years. As far as trends are concerned, the observation period can easily >read more

Although the improvement in life expectancy at birth was a common trend in all developed countries, until the early seventies, Italy’s values remained below those reported in the Eu6 and Eu as a >read more

As a result of rising life expectancy and slowing births, the European population started aging. Italy, which in the 1950s was among the youngest European countries, aged more and >read more

The scenario that emerged in Europe at the beginning of the sixties was that of an aging population. In Italy, the young dependency ratio - the percentage of young people up to 14 years old - after remaining stable at 37-38 percent >read more

Italy has historically been a country of emigration, and until the early 1970s the number of emigrants exceeded that of immigrants. It followed a long period of stasis, in which >read more

Population growth

Trend in births

Number of children per woman

Age of women at childbirth

Life expectancy

Population aging

Dependency ratio
