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Gender equality Plan 2024-206

Starting from this edition, Istat has adopted a Gender Equality Plan (Plan). Within the more general framework of the planning tools adopted by the Institute, its introduction is in accordance with the provisions of the international strategy Horizon Europe that considers Gender Equality Plans tools recognized and supported by the European Commission for gender rebalancing among the staff of research institutions.

This document also represents a way to implement performance in order tooptimize the productivity of public work and the efficiency and transparency of Public Administrations.

Istat has long proven a strong sensitivity to the issue of gender equality and promoted, in a pioneering way, the carrying out of surveys, studies and research, all aimed at greater knowledge and dissemination of data on gender equality and useful to define policies to fostering equality.

The draft of the Institute’s Gender Equality Plan (GEP) saw a preliminary stage of analysis of the peculiarities of the organizational context to define the intervention areas. In the planning phase, it was necessary to establish objectives, actions and measures, together with suitable indicators to monitor the progress of the actions envisaged in the Plan, the times for their implementation and the assignment of the necessary responsibilities.

The Plan includes concrete measures aimed at promoting the culture of equality and inclusion, respecting diversity and constantly fighting any form of discrimination based on age, gender, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, religion, political position and disability, through actions and tools capable of giving value to differences.

Based on these guidelines, reading and analysis of the available data allowed drafting the insights reported in the following pages. In particular, the results of a survey on work from home in the public administration promoted by the Polytechnic University of Milan together with the results of a questionnaire promoted in March 2022 by the Task Force “Work from home” (response rate by Istat staff of over 50%) were taken into account. The information reported in 2021-2023 Activity and Performance Plan, in 2022-2024 Positive Action Plan and in the Annual Report of Istat Guarantee Committee (CUG) were analysed.

Furthermore, the first results related to work from home that emerged from the survey on organizational well-being and mobbing were used, in addition to those related to Istat employees home-work commuting habits. Finally, the knowledge base offered by Istat Personnel Information System allowed obtaining specific analyses on the behaviours and habits of internal staff in terms of presence/absences, hours, use of leave/permits and other work-life balance tools.