Fourteenth Italian Statistics Day (GIS 2024)
The fourteenth edition of the Italian Statistics Day (GIS), promoted by the National Institute of Statistics (Istat) and the Italian Statistical Society (SIS), is celebrated on Friday, 20 October 2024.
The initiative coincides with the European Statistics Day, promoted by Eurostat and the European Statistical Advisory Committee (ESAC), which this year is celebrated under the motto: “Official Statistics, a window for understanding society,” highlighting how official statistics are a key to understanding our society and an essential tool for informed, evidence-based decisions about the present and the future.
The GIS 2024 is confirmed as an opportunity to enhance the work that is being carried out to increase trust in official statistics. Initiatives and projects for statistical dissemination aimed at making the approach to quantitative information easier for everyone are promoted with several activities on institutional communication channels at the national level and through local meetings.
The initiatives promoted by Istat
- At a national level, the Day is celebrated at StatisticAll the Festival of Statistics and Demography, with a full programme of events. “Statistics without borders. Trust, ethics, system: the future of data in Europe” is the title of the tenth edition of the Festival which will take place in Treviso from 17 to 20 October: recent crises and conflicts in Europe have increased the demand for more timely and detailed official statistics, which are essential to guide decisions aimed at standing for cohesion, economic growth and responding to climate change. In a context of uncertainty and inattention, it is crucial to reflect on how to ensure useful, credible and comparable data, thus enhancing the value of European statistics.
- At an international level, Istat supports and promotes the initiatives launched by Esac and Eurostat: the motto of the European Statistics Day 2024, “Official Statistics: a window for understanding society”, conceived by the ESAC (European Statistical Advisory Committee), highlights the fundamental role of official statistics, which represent a dynamic window onto reality and allow all citizens to better understand the society in which they live. Solid and reliable data provide essential support for planning together a more aware and sustainable future. All the initiatives launched by Eurostat for the celebration of the ESD are available online.
- At a territorial level, the initiatives are linked to the themes explored at StatisticAll.
The competitions for students
On the occasion of the Statistics Day, Istat rewards the 2023/2024 school year competitions aimed at students and promotes those for the 2024/2025 school year.
Statistics Olympics: the competition, intended to introduce students to statistical reasoning, involves the first four classes of upper secondary schools. Winners of the national phase can participate in the European phase European Statistical Competition (ESC).
Permanent Census on school desks: an initiative dedicated to primary and lower secondary schools, consisting of a training course and a contest, the latter divided into a statistical competition, “Censigare”, and a competition of ideas on the theme “Census and territory”.
ISLP: the international statistical poster competition promoted for Italy by Istat and Sis is aimed at schools and universities students, and is aimed at increasing young people’s perception of official statistics as a tool for understanding everyday reality. The theme for Italy is the 2030 Agenda.